Individual Therapy

You’re tired of feeling stuck and you’re ready to make a change.

Resilience and Connection Starts Here

Individual therapy will help support you become a better version of yourself. Sometimes we need a space to process being alive and human.

  • Develop the strength to face life's challenges head-on with confidence.

  • Enhance your overall mental health and find balance in your daily life.

  • Cultivate deeper, more fulfilling connections with those around you.

You might seek individual therapy if:

  • You’re not feeling like yourself lately

  • You’re ruminating on the past, anxious about the future, or going through a particularly difficult time

  • You’re looking to make a change  

  • You’d like to get to know yourself, your identity, your values, and what makes you “you” 

  • You’re seeking to understand more about your thoughts, feelings or behaviors

  • You’d like to heal from past trauma while building upon your natural resiliency

  • You’re curious about it

What we can work on:

+ wanting to be more assertive

+ uncertainty about your relationship

+ feeling more comfortable in your body

+ people-pleasing & perfectionism

+ coping with a medical diagnosis

+ feeling more comfortable in social settings

+ transitions or life changes

+ dating or navigating new relationships

+ coping with the loss of a loved one

Because you deserve happiness, love, and healthy relationships.