Anxiety is Exhausting

It can feel like an invisible weight, pressing down on your chest, making it hard to breathe. It's that constant, nagging worry keeping you up at night as your mind races through every possible "what if." It's feeling like something terrible is about to happen, even when there's no reason for your fear.

You find yourself avoiding social situations because the thought of interacting with others feels unbearable. You struggle to focus because your mind is hijacked by relentless, intrusive thoughts. You’re likely experiencing physical symptoms too— increased heart rate, stomach pain, trembling.

You question your decisions and replay conversations in your head. Even activities that once brought you joy have become sources of stress.

Common Anxiety Disorders

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
    - Severe, ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities.

  • Panic Disorder:
    - Intense episodes of fear combined with a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Worry of future attacks.

  • Social Anxiety:
    - Everyday interactions are daunting and embarrassing. You try to avoid certain situations.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
    - Persistent, distressing, intrusive thoughts about contamination, harm, or inappropriate behavior, that cause significant mental rumination or behaviors.

  • Illness Anxiety Disorder (formerly known as Hypochondria):
    - Excessive worry about having or developing a serious illness. You find yourself researching illnesses and needing reassurance from medical professionals, family and friends.